Why I created the Oxenden Soap House.
My name is Sophie and I am a skincare product addict.
As a child I used to create lotions and potions in the garden filling jars with crushed leaves and petals. In my teens I would be caught mashing up bananas and oatmeal for homemade face masks and pouring whisked egg or beer into my hair.
In my twenties I fell into the trap of purchasing for convenience, focusing on results, with no real thought towards the ingredients though still trying to purchase “natural, ethical, responsible” products where possible.
Now in my thirties, after entering some ingredients of my “go-to” skin care product in to the Google search bar, I was horrified to discover what I was putting on my face every single day. With changing global awareness of our impact on the planet, having made the transition from meat eater, to vegetarian in 2016 and then to vegan in 2017, I have developed a very different outlook about what I put in my body and on my skin and hair.
I started the Oxenden Soap House because I want to make products people will love for what they do for their skin and for the planet. I believe that transparency on labelling should be complusary to allow people to choose the products that fit with their skin care needs and their morals.